Exhibition opening and book launch ‘Musings. About Art, Body and Religion’
Opening by: Anikó Ouweneel – Tóth (cultural historian, curator)
The Western Church www:westerkerk.nl
Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
4 August, 2024, 12am

Video installation ‘Triptych’ 
The Western Church www:westerkerk.nl
Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
July 26 – August 24, 2024

Video installation ‘Well’ 5.1
‘Stations of the Cross’ www:faces-isee-faces.nl/exposities
Brandweer kazerne Centrum, Hengelo (Ov), (the Netherlands)
February 17 – March 30, 2024

Video installation ‘Triptych’ 
Museum Elburg (Chapel) www.museumelburg.nl
Elburg (the Netherlands)
May 17 – 27, 2023

3D – stereoscopic installation ‘Embarce Me’/ Bookpresentation ‘Musings. About Art, Body and Religion’
Gallery ‘The Parsonage’
Searsport, Maine (U.S.A.)

Exhibition ‘Wildhanging’ 
Ecce Homo – holographic installation
Art Studio ‘The Möllerwerf’
Hengelo (The Netherlands)
April 2-21, 2022

Book launch, interview and 3D stereoscopic work
Mijmeringen. Over kunst, lichaam en religie
Museum Hilversum
Hilversum  (The Netherlands)
In preparation

Mary! – video installation
Museum Weert
Weert  (The Netherlands)
May 3, 2022 – permanent

Book launch, interview, lecture and exhibition 
Musings. About Art, Body and Religion
Dadian Gallery
Luce III Center for the Arts & Religion/
Wesley Theological Seminary,
Washington, D.C. (U.S.A.)
In preparation (2024)